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Which James Bond Cars are most similar to each other?

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If you have ever wondered which James Bond cars were most like each other, you are not alone. These iconic cars are a fascination for many people and they would be a dream to own. Here's a look at some of the most notable vehicles from the franchise. The Peugeot 504 is reminiscent Bond's classic DB5 and has the same design of the Rolls-Royce DB5.

Citroen 504

France produced the first two series 504s. However, after the series was discontinued, the Argentinian-built 504s were exported to France. The cars were updated to include modern features such a redesigned dashboard as well as a modern front bumper. As a result, the cars remained popular throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The 504 is still a popular model in second generation, particularly among singles and young people.

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Rolls-Royce DB5

The DB5 is a spy car that looks more like a luxurious luxury car than the Bond-style car. The DB5 is a iconic spy car. It has features like forward mounted rockets, a liftoff front number plate, as well as a wide range of spy gadgets. The hood also has a secret compartment that houses several weapons.

Aston Martin DB5

The Aston Martin DB5 Bond car, which features all the James Bond features, is the ultimate spy car. The replica car has a GPS screen, bullet proof screen, and tire slashers. Although the car's ejector seats don't look like they are real, it's still fun.

Peugeot 504

The Peugeot 504 was a mid-size rear-wheel-drive automobile that was produced by the French automaker Peugeot from 1968 to 1983. There were four-door sedans and wagons, and two-door coupe and cabriolet versions. Pickup truck models were also available. Pininfarina was the inspiration for the cars' styling, and Aldo brovarone designed the sedan/berline. Franco Martinengo from Pininfarina was responsible for the twins of the 504 Peugeot had its own sketching crew, and the final model produced in 1986 by the French company was also created.

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Rolls-Royce DB4

The DB4 represents a luxury, high-end sportscar. James Bond and his henchmen drive the DB4 in movies. Bond, however, never uses this particular model for combat. The most famous Bond car in film history was the DB5 prototype, which was fitted with stunt gear and used for non-combat scenes. Rolls-Royce's final models, the DB5s, were long considered to be one of the most iconic cars in the world.

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Which James Bond Cars are most similar to each other?